b. Louisville, Kentucky
2008 Yale School of Art, MFA Painting
2004 Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture
2004 University of Louisville, BFA Painting
2003 Yale/ Norfolk Summer Program
2024 30th Slamdance Film Festival - Park City, UT
62nd Ann Arbor Film Festival - Ann Arbor, MI
33rd Florida Film Festival - Maitland, Florida
51st Athens International Film and Video - Athens, OH
57th Humboldt International Film Festival - Arcata, CA
Chicago Critics Film Festival - Chicago, IL
Film Maudit 2.0: Film Festival - Los Angeles, CA
Other Cinema Screening Series - San Francisco, CA
Caludron International Film and Video Festival - Salt Lake City, UT
Demo Disc 01, LOOK Cinemas - Los Angeles, CA
Chroma Art Film Festival - Miami, FL
WNDX Festival of Moving Image - Winnipeg, Manitoba
Duluth Superior Film Festival - Duluth, MI
One Man Army Paradise Shredition, Sovereign House - Brooklyn, NY
Wasting Time Youth Screening Tour - Beijing and Shanghai, China
2023 VASTLAB Experimental 5 - Chicago, IL
Cucalorus Film Festival - Wilmington, NC
30th Chicago Underground Film Festival - Chicago, IL
CutOut Fest International Animation and Digital Art Festival - Querétaro, Mexico
GRRL HAUS Cinema - Berlin, Germany
BIDEODROMO International Film and Video Festival - Bilbao, Spain
Art is Life, Life is Art Variety Show, Bob Baker Marionette Theatre - Los Angeles, CA
27th Videomedja International New Media Arts Festival - Novi Sad, Serbia
fu:bar/ Glitch Art Festival - Zagreb, Croatia
The Wrong Bienniale, ADAM MEETS EVE Pavilion - Alicante, Spain
The Wrong Bienniale, Self as a Service - broadcast on Wrong TV and Canal18o
36th Festival Les Instants Vidéo - Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille, France
17 Days Video Series - Alfred University, NY and Western Michigan University, MI
Hungry Eyes Festival - Kultur im Zentrum, Gießen, Germany
Little Scuzzy Film Fest - Carbondale, IL
We Make Movies International - Hollywood, CA
Vacations in the Subconscious Exhibition - Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles, CA
NoBudge Live #33 - Nitehawk Cinema - Prospect Park, Brooklny, NY
Wasting Time Youth Screening Tour - Chengdu, Beijing, Guangzhou, China
West Virginia Mountaineer Film Festival - Morgantown, WV
2022 The Fuel & Lumber Company Presents: 8 - Laney Contemporary, Savannah, GA
IN OUT Festival - ŁAŹNIA 1 Center for Contemporary Art, Gdańsk, Poland
25 FPS Festival - Zagreb, Croatia
Visions in the Nunnery - Nunnery Gallery, London, England
Welcome to the Enclave (solo) - Burb Contemporary, Sacramento, CA
Welcome to the Enclave (solo) - The MAC Dallas, Dallas, TX
Lacuna Contemporary Art Festival - Sala El Aljibe, Haria, Lanzarote
TSA 5x5 - Xanadu Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Green Screen Film Festival - Perth, Australia
Rendering… - Unrequited Leisure, Nashville, TN
Confetti falls from the ceiling - Essex Flowers, New York City, NY
Diametrale Experimental Film Festival - Tyrol, Austria
Experiments in Cinema - Albuquerque, NM
Hyperreal Film Club - Hotel Vegas, Austin, TX
Wide Open Film Festival - Oklahoma, OK
Sphere Festival - World Cinema Carnival, West Bengal, India
VLM’s Video Art Social - The Line Hotel, Austin, TX
RESPIRE - The Cole Art Center - Nagadoches, TX
Relief to the People: Benefiting Ukraine - SNAP Gallery, Louisville, KY
Louisville Film Society Short Film Slam - Speed Art Museum, Louisville, KY
2021 Cairo Video Festival - Medrar for Contemporary Art, Cairo, Egypt
Video Art and Experimental Film Festival - New York City, NY
Rockaway Film Festival - Arverne Cinema, Rockaway Beach, NY
Projection/Projektion - Blue Star Contemporary, San Antonio, TX
Projection/Projektion - Darmstädter Sezession, Darmstadt, Germany
nodoCCS VII Video Festival - Caracas, Venezuela and Barcelona, Spain
Cladogram, The Katonah Museum of Art - Katonah, NY
Videopark Užice, Galerija Reflektor - Užice, Serbia
Kansas City FilmFest International, 25th Anniversary - Kansas City, MO
Demetera International Short Film Festival - Paris, France
Hungry Eyes Festival - Kultur im Zentrum, Geissen, Germany
We Make Movies International Film Festival - Hollywood, CA
Frame and Frequency VII - VisArts Center, Rockville, MD
Hustle Town Cine Flow Festival - Houston, TX
SPE Media Festival - online due to Covid
Sexy Sex - Gallery Perchée, online due to Covid
2020 Transient Visions - Spool Contemporary Art Space, Johnson City, NY
International Limestone Coast Video Art Festival - Mount Gambier, Australia
The Casserole Series, online exhibition, cur. Colleen Pesci
Strangelove Time-Based Media Festival - London, UK
Tell Me - Impact Theatre NYC Performance Salon, New York, NY
The 7th Art Festival of Miami - Miami, FL
Art Teleported - The Box Factory, Ridgewood, NY
Eurocinema Film Festival - Geneva, Switzerland
Worldwide Women’s Film Festival - Scottsdale, AZ
New Media / San Antonio - Luis Leu Gallery, Karlsruhe, Germany
2019 Video Snack - Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
KMAC Triennial - Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft, Louisville, KY
Contemporary Landscape - CICA Museum, Seoul, Korea
Cuzco Underground Cinema Festival - Cusco, Peru
Malta Film Festival - Eden Cinema, Malta
Rome Film Awards - Rome Italy
XIX Biennial Art Exhibition - UTSA Gallery, San Antonio, TX
2018 AVIFF Cannes Art Film Festival, Cannes, France
Around International Film Festival - Barcelona, Spain
Five Continents International Film Festival - Anzoategui, Venezuela
Tlanchana Festival, Metepec, Mexico
CinqueTerre FilmFest - Cinque Terre, Italy
OGA VideoArt Exhibitions - Rome, Italy
Tangents of an Origin - aCinema Space Film Program, Milwaukee, WI
Creative Space for Lease - JUDY, Los Angeles, CA
World Film Fair, New York City, NY
this is not a sentence - The Blockhouse, Bloomington, IN
2017 A Room Behind A Room - Leslie Heller Workspace, New York, NY
Blue Magpie Experimental Film Series - Hsinchu City, Taiwan
Chicago Amarcord Arthouse Television & Video Festival - Chicago, IL
Twisted Oyster Film Festival - Comfort Station, Chicago, IL
Arizona Sunburn Film Festival - Tucson, AZ
STATION TO STATION - Grünwald Gallery, Bloomington, IN
Dreams and Reality - Fuller Projects Gallery, Bloomington, IN
The Body: A Salon, Lucid Body Studio - New York, NY
2016 All-Byte: Intersections in Video Art - Franklin Street Works, Stanford, CT
Body Doubles - No Pop Gallery, New Haven, CT
Queer Film Festival - Eugene OR
Video Snack - Vox Populi Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
2015 SELECT Art Fair - Center 548, New York, NY
SCRNS: drag it out - El Rio, San Francisco, CA
One Plus One - Burt Chernow Gallery, Bridgeport, CT
2014 Fem/me: curated by Selby Nimrod - New Haven, CT
2013 THE DOUBLE - Cabinet, New York, NY
The Woodpile - Brooklyn NY